This is the continuation of HSMAU202. The student will delve deeper into the philospohy of the Mandukya Upanishad. The students will learn Shlokas 6 to 8 and Sant Vanis that relate to these Shlokas.
- To understand the meaning of Shloka 6
- To sing Shloka 6 in Raga Shuddha Kalyan
- To understand how a verse by Ramana Maharshi in Tamil reflects Shloka 6
- To sing Ramana Maharishi’s verse in Raga Shuddha Kalyan in Taal Chautal
- To illustrate Ramana Maharishi’s poetry
- To understand the meaning of Shloka 7
- To sing Shloka 7 in Raga Bilaskhani Todi
- To listen to a story about Guru Nanak
- To understand how a verse by Guru Nanak in Punjabi connects with Shloka 7
- To sing the verse in Raga Bilaskhani Todi in Taal Punjabi Addha and understand its meaning
- To understand how a verse by Ramprasad in Bengali connects with Shloka 7
- To read a story about the life of Ramprasad
- To sing Ramprasad’s verse in Raga Pilu and Taal Dadra and understand its meaning
- To listen to a story about Budhhist monks and nuns and Theregatha and Therigatha
- To understand the meaning of verses from Theregatha in Pali that reflect Shloka 7
- To sing these verses in Raga Suha
- To understand the meaning of Shloka 8
- To sing Shloka 8 in Raga Basant Mukhari
- To see how the verse by Tukaram reflects Shloka 8
- To listen to the story of Tukaram
- To understand Tukaram’s verse in Marathi and to sing Tukaram’s verse in Raga Basant Mukhari and Taal Soolfakta
- The student will create at least one expression of the meaning of each of the Shlokas through narration/ writing/ enactment/ illustration.
- The student will express understanding of the Shloka through each associated Sant Vani by explaining how the poetry of the Saint describes the gist of each Shloka.
- The Student will sing the Aroha and Avaroha of each Raga in which each of the Shlokas and Sant Vanis are composed.
- The Student will be able to sing each Shloka and Sant Vani while listening to the track or independently.